Why need to use safety cabinets?

Objective elements of using safety cabinets

With the further advancement of social development and industrial production, there are more and more opportunities for using production factors with certain risks, including flammable liquids, compressed gases, liquefied gases, spontaneous combustibles, combustibles, water burners, toxic products, and corrosive products. If using general storage containers can not play a good protective role, so the use of safety storage containers that can store these special substances is very important and necessary.

explosion without using safety cabinets

Strengthening the safety management of these inflammable and explosive materials, to avoid accidents during the process of use, and ensuring the normal production and safety of personnel and property, which is very necessary to take safe storage containers to store them effectively. Therefore, using a safety storage cabinet is a reliable solution to these risks effectively.

The use of safety cabinets should meet the following requirements:

1. Stored inflammable and explosive materials and dangerous goods, etc. should be classified, stored separately, stored within the prescribed range appropriately, and excessive storage is not allowed;

2. The storage place of the safety storage cabinet should be set in a cool, well-ventilated place, and if the stored items have other requirements, temperature control and humidity control facilities should also be configured;

3. The storage area needs to have an appropriate separation from the production area and living area;

4. The safety storage cabinet shall comply with the safety and fire prevention regulations, shall have good ventilation and necessary lightning protection facilities, and set up corresponding explosion-proof, fireproof, fire extinguishing and other supporting facilities according to the nature of the stored items and different storage scenarios;

The management of safety cabinets should establish the following safety measures:

1. Safety cabinet storage warehouses and places should strengthen guards, set up special personnel management, strict access to the warehouse system, do a good job of ledger management, and prohibit non-relevant personnel from entering;

2. Strictly prohibit fireworks in the storage warehouse area and eliminate all factors that may produce sparks;

3. Do not rest, dispense, pack and carry out other operations that may cause fire in and near the safe cabinet storage place;

4. Regularly check the safety cabinet, if the stored dangerous goods are found to be damaged and leaky, they must be safely treated immediately and carried out in a safe place, and tools that do not have an open flame should be used;

5. Strengthen the acceptance and regular inspection of the goods in storage, and conduct regular inspections of inflammable and explosive substances that are unstable in nature and easy to cause combustion and explosion to prevent spontaneous combustion and explosion;

6. If the items put into the safety cabinet are empty, they must be carefully inspected, thoroughly cleaned to avoid leaving the safety hazards of ignition and explosion, and the flammable and explosive materials left on the ground must be removed and handled in time;

7. The warehouse and place where the safety cabinet is stored need to improve the safety and security system, equipped with fire extinguishing facilities and emergency communication, alarm devices, and need to conduct regular drills and business learning.

Turnover and transport management of safety cabinets:

1. The turnover of safety cabinet needs to be gently held and placed to prevent vibration, impact, friction, heavy pressure and dumping;

2. When loading and unloading and handling toxic and corrosive chemicals, it should be equipped with professional protective tools and work clothes, and after the work is completed, the used tools need to be cleaned and disinfected;

3. When handling and transferring safety cabinets, special personnel need to be responsible for organizing and guiding safe operations, and the loading and unloading site should be set up with a cordon, and it is strictly forbidden for irrelevant personnel to enter the loading and unloading site;

4. Loading and unloading and transferring safety cabinets should be carried out as much as possible during the day, if it has to be loaded and unloaded at night, it is necessary to ensure adequate safety lighting equipment;

5. Transport safety cabinets must use means of transport that meet safety requirements, and it is prohibited to use closed carriages and pedals for transportation;

6. The vehicle loading the safety cabinet shall maintain a certain safety distance before and after, shall comply with the relevant regulations, and shall not stop at will during the transportation;

7. When transporting safety cabinets, it is necessary to arrange reliable personnel to be responsible for transportation, and passengers and goods shall not be mixed, and irrelevant personnel are prohibited from taking;

8. Clear signs should be posted in a conspicuous position when shifting and transporting safety cabinets.

The role safety cabinets paly

For the storage of substances of different natures, it is necessary to use a matching safety cabinet and configure the best protection device in order to achieve the maximum protection effect. For example, if you store gasoline and some derivatives, printing inks, paints and solvents, and other substances classified as Class 3 liquid grades, it is needed to use flammable and explosive fire safety cabinets; If weak acid, weak alkali, corrosive substances, etc. are stored, it is necessary to apply acid and alkali safety storage cabinets; If medicines, it is needed to use PP storage cabinets and so on.

The correct use of the safety cabinet can effectively protect the personnel from unnecessary injury, but also to ensure the safety of the internal storage of substances, to avoid product pollution, while protecting the environment, to prevent the spread of dangerous substances, so it is necessary to choose a more suitable safe cabinet to store these substances more scientifically according to the different types of stored substances.

The long-term impact of using safety cabinets

In short, special products is required to be stored in special storage containers. Therefore, the storage of flammable and explosive products has to be used a safety storage cabinet, so that whether it is the product itself, the personnel and the environment can play a maximum protective role, it is also a win-win situation in the long run.